OKR Consulting
Unleashing Business Potential through Goal-Setting

If you are reading this, chances are you are facing some of the following:

unstructured goal setting process within your company

weak goal alignment between teams or with stakeholder goals

output-based result evaluation

lack of focus, motivation, or accountability...

Or could it be your business is growing rapidly and is in search of fresh approaches to bring more value to its new strusture?

Or is it something else?

Whatever it is, it has brought you to explore OKRs. A fine decision, indeed. At Uphill Partners, we've witnessed many companies transform and thrive after implementing this methodology, which, if done right, can be a gamechanger. Because OKRs go beyond goal-setting; they embody a mindset shift that can drive remarkable outcomes.

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Why OKRs?

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OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) drive focus, alignment, and accountability within businesses, ensuring that everyone is working towards common goals. This framework helps prioritize initiatives, align efforts across teams, and inspire motivation for exceptional outcomes.

The process of setting and tracking OKRs involves establishing ambitious and actionable objectives, complemented by specific key results. This structured approach allows businesses to track progress, make necessary adjustments, and maintain relevance. Regular check-ins and reviews promote transparency and provide opportunities for course correction, ensuring that objectives remain achievable.

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On this page, we offer tailored guidance to implement OKRs effectively, empowering your business to achieve outstanding results and sustained growth. If you're interested, let's talk some more.

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article by our OKR expert Dmytro Yarmak

More on the topic in an article by our OKR expert Dmytro Yarmak.

Read more

Why us?

First of all, because we believe in what we do. So much that we use OKRs in our personal life as well, like this guy who made it his objective to run 2021 km in 2021 :)

More about Dmytro Yarmak

At Uphill Partners, we have got a great deal of experience with OKR implementation and tracking in a business realm. Some of the examples are Breakwater Technology or ATLANT 3D. Each or these cases is unique as we do not recycle what we do, creating a new personal story with each client instead.

However, there are some formats we figured out work best from our experience. Taking one of them as an outline, we design a route that works best for you and your company.

How do we start? First, we schedule a call to get to know each other better and see if we click. Then, we create a curated proposal based on your needs and requests. After talking it through and making sure we have an understanding, our journey begins.

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Here are some of the ways it can go

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Overview of OKR Consulting

OKR implementation

Are you ready to unlock the power of OKRs in your organization? Our comprehensive OKR Implementation Packages bring out tailored solutions to meet your specific needs, whether you're starting your OKR journey or seeking a holistic approach to implementation and integration.


Meet Dmytro Yarmak in this intro to Uphill Partners OKR implementation packages.

3 weeks

OKR Implementation Kick-Off

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Launch your OKR journey confidently with our OKR Implementation Kick-off package. Designed for organizations initiating OKR adoption, this  package supports you in building a solid OKR framework and aligning  company-wide objectives with your mission in just three weeks.

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OKR Implementation Kick-Off


Kick-off the OKRs implementation process by assessing the current way of goal setting, and building a foundation for the OKRs framework. 

Best for

Leadership teams and decision-makers in organisations seeking to establish the foundation for a successful OKR framework, especially for those in the early stages of OKR adoption.


Established the company's ground rules for using OKRs. Defined long-term company-wide OKRs aligned with the company's mission and purpose.


3 weeks.


Initial Assessment: Analyse the company's current goal-setting practices and culture to identify opportunities for OKR integration.

Stakeholder Engagement: Engage leadership and key stakeholders to ensure their buy-in and active participation in the OKR implementation process.

OKR Framework Development: Design ground rules and tailored OKR framework that aligns with the company's vision, mission, and strategic goals.

Goal-Setting Workshop: Conduct interactive workshops with the leadership team to collaboratively develop and refine objectives and key results.*

*This package includes OKR Leadership Workshop.

3 weeks

OKR Implementation Integrated

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Transform your organizational culture with our OKR Implementation Integrated package. This comprehensive solution includes end-to-end support from initial assessment to change management over a period of 2 to 8 months, facilitating goal alignment, transparency, and effective OKR adoption.

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OKR Implementation Integrated


Seamlessly integrate OKRs into your organization's workflow and create a high-performance culture focused on achieving strategic goals.

Best for

Companies of all sizes that are looking for a comprehensive and holistic approach to OKR implementation and integration, including training, support, and change management.


From 2 to 8 months.


  1. Established company’s ground rules for using OKRs.
  2. Defined long-term OKRs on the company level and teams’ OKRs for the upcoming quarter.
  3. Improved alignment of company-wide goals, ensuring teams are working collaboratively towards shared objectives.
  4. Teams trained on OKRs concepts.
  5. Created a culture of transparency and accountability, as employees become more engaged with their goals and the company's strategic direction.
  6. Completed the first cycle by monitoring and evaluating OKRs with support from a coach.
  7. Optimised OKRs program for the second cycle based on the learning from the first.
  8. Effective adoption of the OKR framework within the organisation.


  1. Initial Assessment: Analyze the company's current goal-setting practices and culture to identify opportunities for OKR integration.
  2. Stakeholder Engagement: Engage leadership and key stakeholders to ensure their buy-in and active participation in the OKR implementation process.
  3. OKR Framework Development: Design ground rules and tailored OKR framework that aligns with the company's vision, mission, and strategic goals.
  4. Goal-Setting Workshops: Conduct interactive workshops with leadership and teams to collaboratively develop and refine objectives and key results.
  5. OKR Alignment: Help align OKRs across different departments and teams to ensure strategic cohesion throughout the organisation.
  6. Monitoring and Tracking System: Establish a system for tracking progress on OKRs and enabling regular check-ins and updates.
  7. Training and Support: Provide training to employees on the principles of OKRs, as well as best practices for setting, tracking, and evaluating OKRs.
  8. Change Management: Assist in managing the cultural and process changes required for successful OKR implementation.
  9. Review and Iteration: Conduct periodic reviews of the OKR process and
    suggest improvements based on feedback and lessons learned.*

*This package includes OKR Leadership Workshop and OKR Basic Training.


Creating a culture of transparency and accountability with OKR Implementation Integrated package.

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Choose the perfect implementation package for your needs and accelerate your strategic goals with Uphill Partners.

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We look forward to helping you reach your strategic goals through effective OKR implementation.

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OKR Training

How about leveling up your OKR skills? Training Packages offer a range of workshops and courses designed to empower leadership  teams, individuals, and coaches with the knowledge and tools needed to  effectively implement and manage OKRs. From foundational OKR principles  to advanced coaching techniques and Oboard tool training, our packages  cater to diverse learning needs, enabling you to unlock the full  potential of OKRs within your organization.

OKR Training

About our interactive training packages, tailored to both beginners and those seeking advanced OKR expertise.

1 day (offsite) workshop

OKR Leadership Workshop

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Join our OKR Leadership Workshop to equip your team with the knowledge needed to use OKRs effectively. Ideal for leadership considering OKR adoption, our one-day workshop nurtures strategic long-term goal setting.

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OKR Leadership Workshop


This workshop is designed to train a leadership team on the principles of OKRs, assess the suitability of OKRs for your organization, and explore long-term strategic planning with OKRs.

Best for

Executive leadership teams and key stakeholders in organizations considering the adoption of OKRs or looking to strengthen their understanding and practice of OKRs for strategic planning.


The leadership team has successfully gained the knowledge and skills required to effectively utilize OKRs as a powerful goal-setting framework within the company, and has successfully expressed the strategic direction through clear long-term goals.


*may be adapted according to client's request

  1. Introduction to OKRs and their Superpowers.
  2. Why OKRs in your organization?
  3. Anatomy of Objectives, Key Results, and Initiatives.
  4. Different types of OKRs.
  5. OKRs as a system that disciplines the entire organization to achieve objectives.
  6. What is important for building the right culture for OKRs to flourish?
  7. Establishing ground rules and the foundation for the OKRs framework in your company.


Timeline: 1-day workshop (offsite).

Maximum number of participants per class: 10.

4 hours online workshop

OKR Basic Training

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Master the fundamentals of OKRs in our 4-hour online OKR Basic Training workshop. Designed for those new to OKRs, participants learn to  formulate, track, and evaluate OKRs, driving organizational alignment  and performance.

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OKR Basic Training

An interactive training program designed for individuals and teams to understand the fundamentals of OKRs and the OKR Cycle.


Empower your team to master OKRs and drive company-wide success by aligning objectives and key results.

Best for

Individuals and teams new to OKRs, seeking a foundational understanding of the principles and practices of the OKR framework.


Participants have learned the theory behind OKRs, practiced formulating OKRs, and the knowledge and skills on how to track and evaluate OKRs.


  1. Introduction to OKRs and their Superpowers.
  2. Anatomy of Objectives, Key Results, and Initiatives.
  3. Different types of OKRs.
  4. OKRs as a system that disciplines the entire organization to achieve objectives.
  5. Hands-on defining OKRs.


Timeline: 4-hour online workshop.

Maximum number of participants per class: 20.

1 day (offsite)

OKR Advanced Training

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Transform your organizational culture with our OKR Implementation Integrated package. This comprehensive solution includes end-to-end  support from initial assessment to change management over a period of 2 to 8 months, facilitating goal alignment, transparency, and effective  OKR adoption.

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OKR Advanced Training

A comprehensive and interactive program designed for individuals and teams seeking a deeper understanding of OKRs and their implementation. This training goes beyond the basics, covering advanced topics and techniques.


To provide an in-depth understanding of OKRs, enabling participants to effectively implement and manage OKRs within their organization and drive performance improvements.

Best for

Individuals and teams with a basic understanding of OKRs who are looking to expand their knowledge and skills in implementing and managing OKRs more effectively within their organization.


Participants have learned the theory behind OKRs, practiced formulating OKRs, learned about the importance of OKRs as a system, and have gained an understanding of how to build a culture that supports aligned goal-setting and focused execution.


  1. Introduction to OKRs and their superpowers.
  2. Anatomy of Objectives, Key Results, and Initiatives.
  3. Different types of OKRs.
  4. Hands-on defining OKRs.
  5. Strategies for aligning OKRs across the organization.
  6. Tools and techniques for monitoring and updating OKRs, including effective check-ins and progress reporting.
  7. Processes for conducting periodic reviews, identifying areas for improvement, and adjusting OKRs as needed.


Timeline: 1-day offsite workshop or 2 online 4-hour workshops.

Maximum number of participants per class: 20.

2 days (offsite)

OKR Coach Training

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Master the fundamentals of OKRs in our 4-hour online OKR Basic Training workshop. Designed for those new to OKRs, participants learn to  formulate, track, and evaluate OKRs, driving organizational alignment  and performance.

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OKR Coach Training

An advanced program designed for individuals looking to develop the expertise needed to guide teams through the OKR process. Prior knowledge on the topic is needed.


To train and equip individuals with the skills and knowledge required to become effective OKR coaches, helping teams successfully establish, define, and improve their OKRs over time, and supporting organizations in building the right OKRs culture.

Best for

Experienced professionals, HR specialists, Scrum Masters, Agile coaches, OKR coaches, and team leaders seeking to develop the skills and expertise needed to guide teams through the OKR process and support organizations in building the right OKRs culture.


Participants have learned and practiced:

  1. Guiding teams in designing and implementing tailored OKR frameworks.
  2. Facilitating effective goal-setting sessions and workshops for the leadership team and teams.
  3. How to align and cascade OKRs across the organization.
  4. How to support teams in monitoring, tracking, and reviewing OKRs.
  5. How to foster a culture of accountability, 
  6. transparency, and collaboration.


  1. Introduction to OKR coaching: the role, responsibilities, and impact of an OKR coach.
  2. Coaching principles and techniques for guiding teams through the OKR process.
  3. Facilitating goal-setting sessions: best practices for conducting workshops to help the leadership and teams create and refine their aligned objectives and key results.
  4. Supporting OKR progress tracking: helping teams monitor and update their OKRs.
  5. Coaching through challenges and pitfalls in OKR implementation.
  6. Study real cases of OKR implementation and discuss key learnings and approaches.


Timeline: 2-day offsite workshop or 4 online 4-hour workshops.

Maximum number of participants per class: 12.

4 hours online workshop

Oboard + OKR Framework training

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Master the fundamentals of OKRs in our 4-hour online OKR Basic Training workshop. Designed for those new to OKRs, participants learn to  formulate, track, and evaluate OKRs, driving organizational alignment  and performance.

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Oboard + OKR Framework training

This specialized training program covers both the theoretical aspects of OKRs and practical applications using the Oboard tool, with a focus on the latter, ensuring a seamless integration of OKR knowledge with the Oboard platform. Basic familiarity with Jira is recommended.


To provide comprehensive training on both OKR fundamentals and the Oboard Jira plug-in, enabling participants to effectively implement and manage OKRs using the Oboard tool within their organization.

Best for

Individuals and teams familiar with Jira who are seeking to learn the principles of OKRs and how to effectively implement and manage OKRs using the Oboard Jira plug-in within their organization.


Participants have learned and practiced:

  1. Understanding the fundamentals of OKRs and their benefits.
  2. Customizing and configuring the Oboard tool to fit their organization's needs.
  3. Utilizing the Oboard tool to streamline the OKR management process, including setting, managing, tracking, aligning, and reporting OKRs.


  1. Introduction to OKRs: the fundamentals of OKRs (purpose, benefits, key components).
  2. Oboard Tool Overview: exploring the features and capabilities of the tool.
  3. Customization and Configuration: configuring the Oboard tool to align with your organization's structure, preferences, and reporting requirements.
  4. OKR Management with Oboard: learning how to create, manage, and track OKRs using the Oboard tool, including best practices for setting objectives and key results.
  5. OKR Alignment and Collaboration: Strategies for fostering collaboration with Oboard.
  6. Progress Tracking and Reporting: Using the Oboard tool to monitor and evaluate OKR progress, generate reports, and inform decision-making.


Timeline: 4-hour online workshop

Maximum number of participants per class: 20.

OKR support

Looking to optimize your existing OKRs framework? OKR Review package offers a comprehensive audit, providing actionable insights and a curated proposal to enhance your OKR process. Ideal for organizations  with an existing framework seeking external expertise to identify gaps  and optimize their OKR implementation.

OKR support

Gain valuable insights and optimize your OKR process with our comprehensive OKR Review Package.

1 day (offsite) workshop

OKR Leadership Workshop

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Maximize your existing OKR framework's potential with our OKR Review package. Through in-depth examination of your strategy and key  initiatives, we provide actionable insights for independent  implementation and optional future support over a three-week period.

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OKR Review


Provide clients with a comprehensive audit of their existing OKRs framework, identify gaps, and present actionable insights to optimize their OKR process.

Best for

Organizations with an existing OKR framework that are seeking an external perspective to audit their current practices, identify gaps, and receive actionable insights to optimize their OKR process.


  • Actionable insights that the client can implement independently, without further assistance.
  • A tailored proposal for OKRs implementation based on the client's needs, presented as a roadmap of changes or a strategic plan, should they require further support.


3 weeks.


  1. Review current OKRs, their alignment with the existing strategy, and the alignment of current initiatives with OKRs.
  2. Examine the context for OKRs, including strategy, top company priorities, roadmaps, key initiatives, and key metrics.
  3. Conduct interviews with key leaders from the team and organization.
  4. Attend meetings where the client checks in on OKRs or defines new OKRs.

OKR Cases

success stories

Breakwater Technology, an Estonian tech company, sought to overcome challenges like unstructured processes, output-centric evaluations, weak  goal alignment, and a lack of accountability. The solution? Implementing OKRs.

The company has successfully implemented an engaging OKR framework, aligning goals with strategy and fostering an outcome-focused  culture. Through clear goals, tracking, and evaluation, the company  achieved alignment and worked together towards shared objectives.

agiledrive and breakwater

Process and Outcomes

  1. Revised strategic goals and established a 5-year North Star Goal
  2. Clear company OKRs for the next 2 years
  3. Defined chapter-level OKRs for Q2
  4. Trained key employees and top management on OKR definition, tracking, and alignment
  5. Established an OKR culture for outcome-based goal-setting
  6. Implemented an OKR cycle for tracking and evaluation.


  1. Alignment of company goals with purpose and strategy
  2. Clarity, direction, and accountability for all employees
  3. Progress tracking and outcome evaluation
  4. Increased collaboration towards shared objectives.
success stories

ATLANT 3D, an innovator in atomically precise advanced manufacturing, grappled with the challenge of aligning their rapidly expanding team towards common goals and strategically bridging their vision with everyday tasks. The adoption and integration of OKRs became their chosen solution.

By fusing the OKR framework with their existing project management system, ATLANT 3D fostered a culture of alignment, clear communication, and balance between critical daily tasks and transformative innovations. Discover how they revolutionized their operations.

agile drive and Atlant 3d

Process and Outcomes

  1. Outlined long-term objectives in line with the refined company mission
  2. Educated teams on OKR principles, leading to their defining Q1 2023 OKRs
  3. Integrated OKRs with Monday.com, their chosen project management tool
  4. Designed a comprehensive dashboard for tracking progress across all teams transparently
  5. Married OKRs with KPIs to maintain focus on both ongoing and transformative activities Implemented a rolling year OKR roadmap for better foresight and long-term planning
  6. Standardized hardware construction process and tied critical processes to corresponding OKRs.


  1. Unified the company towards shared goals
  2. Provided clear guidelines for new team members
  3. Enabled real-time progress tracking
  4. Facilitated long-term planning considering the constraints of hardware and supply chain lead times
  5. Increased efficiency and consistency by linking critical processes to relevant OKRs.

Questions? Answers.

How often should we set OKRs and for what duration?

OKRs are typically set on a quarterly basis, which allows for alignment with the company's strategic goals and priorities. This quarterly cadence provides enough time to make meaningful progress while also allowing for flexibility and adaptability as needed.

Can you explain the OKRs cycle?

The OKRs cycle encompasses the process of setting, tracking, and reviewing OKRs. It typically spans a quarter, during which progress is regularly monitored and evaluated. This cycle enables teams to focus on key objectives and drive measurable results within a defined timeframe.

How frequently should the company meet to discuss OKRs?

Regular meetings to discuss OKRs are crucial for successful implementation. It is recommended to have weekly or bi-weekly check-ins to track progress, address challenges, and make necessary adjustments. These meetings facilitate transparency, collaboration, and accountability among team members.

How often does leadership review OKRs?

Leadership should review OKRs on a regular basis, ideally in quarterly or monthly reviews. During these reviews, the progress made towards objectives and key results is assessed, feedback is provided, and strategic decisions are made based on the results. This ensures that OKRs remain aligned with the organization's overall direction and priorities.

Should we include all work activities into OKRs?

No. OKRs are not meant to be a complete list of every work activity your team plans to work on for the quarter. Your OKRs should not represent 100% of your work activities. These are “key” result, not “all results.” While it may vary across teams, you should expect to spend 50-80% of your time working on activities that are clearly connected to your OKRs. In some cases, a team such as the Legal department may need to have a smaller percentage due to its specifics.

How deep into the organization should OKRs be set?

OKRs can be set at various levels within the organization, including company-wide objectives, departmental objectives, team objectives, and even individual objectives. The depth at which OKRs are set depends on the organization's structure, size, and the need for alignment across different teams. The goal is to ensure that each level of OKRs supports the higher-level objectives and contributes to the overall success of the organization.

How many objectives and key results should we define?

The number of objectives and key results can vary based on the organization's size, complexity, and goals. However, it is generally recommended to have a limited number of objectives, typically up to 3, to maintain focus and avoid spreading resources too thin. Each objective should have 2–5 key results, providing measurable indicators of progress and success.

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